Urban Mind – The Conscious Cities Festival 2018 + -

The Conscious Cities Festival gathers those interested in the creation of human-centred environments. Research and practice using the conscious cities approach explores how architecture and urban design can better consider and respond to human needs through science informed design, data analysis and new technology.

This year’s festival looks at the key factors in creating a better built environment. The events over 5 days will focus on Architecture, Urban Design, City Tech, Behavioural Science, and Property.

Tue, October 23, 2018

10:00 am – 9:00 pm

Professor Andrea Mechelli

Professor of Early Intervention in Mental Health at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London. Clinical Psychologist at the NHS.

Andrea‘s research involves the integration of machine learning techniques with neuroimaging data, with the aim of developing and validating novel tools for the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders.

Urban Mind: In the past few years he has pursued a new line of research involving the use of smartphone technologies to monitor the impact of the surrounding environment on mental wellbeing as people go about their daily life.

Talk: Urban Mind – using smartphone technologies to investigate the impact of the urban environment on mental wellbeing in real time.

Book here!